We live sustainability

For Elmos, sustainability is a key element of our corporate strategy and our daily work. Our commitment to social, environmental and economic sustainability has been firmly anchored in our company for many years. We do not base the success of our business activities solely on financial key figures, but try to combine this with social acceptance, correct ethical conduct and a high level of ecological awareness.

The current ESG presentation is available here.

We create innovative microelectronics to enhance the lives of people. We shape future mobility and our products make the world more sustainable, safer and a better place to live – that is our vision and the basis for our daily actions.

We are aware of our social and environmental responsibility. This is reflected in numerous activities and projects throughout the entire company.

Our high commitment to more sustainability is presented transparently to our stakeholders as part of our regular ESG reporting. A large number ESG-related documents and key figures from the areas of Environmental, Social, and Governance as well as more in-depth details on the ESG strategy adopted by Elmos and the materiality analyses of the Elmos Group and the Elmos Foundation are available on this sustainability website and demonstrates the high standards Elmos pursues with respect to sustainability.

We are convinced that we are already very active in the area of sustainability. Still, we are consistently working on intensifying our sustainability activities - to make an even more positive contribution to our society and to environmental protection.

Company profile
Product matrix and product contribution

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