
The E524.72 is an absolute pressure sensor for barometric air pressure measurement. It includes a piezoresistive pressure bridge and a signal processing IC, which performs amplification and thermal compensation of the... read more


  • Fully integrated pressure sensor
  • Full thermal compensation to accuracy ±1.0 kPa
  • Two 16-bit ADCs for acquisition of pressure and temperature
    inputs; pressure acquired at 20kS/s
  • Diagnosis of sensor, sensor supply and wiring, and NVM check-sum supervision at power-on


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Product Flyer Pressure Sensors PDF 1.88 MB

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E524.72 | Data Sheet

Application Diagram


  • Automotive applications
  • Industrial applications
  • Medical applications

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Part No. Pressure Range Package Order No.
E524.72 40 - 180kPa SOIC8 E52472A53I404


Part No. Description Board type Order No.
E524.72 Application Circuit Board Demoboard K52472-0001
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